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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do computers get slower over time?
Computers might start to drag their feet for a few reasons. One biggie is the accumulation of files and programs, which eats up hard drive space, making your computer work harder and slower. Another culprit could be outdated hardware that can’t keep up with newer, resource-heavy software or applications.

Can computers get viruses from the internet?
Absolutely, and it’s a real headache! When you surf the web, download files, or open email attachments from unknown sources, you’re rolling out the red carpet for viruses. These nasty bits of code can wreak havoc, from stealing personal information to slowing down or crashing your device.

How often should I replace my computer?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, but a good rule of thumb is every four to five years. Of course, this depends on how your computer is holding up and whether it still meets your needs. If you’re constantly yelling at your screen because it can’t keep up, it might be time for an upgrade.

What’s the difference between a laptop and a desktop?
Laptops are like the nomads of the computer world, built for life on the move with everything packed into a compact, portable design. Desktops, on the other hand, are the stay-at-homes, typically offering more power, storage, and upgrade options but taking up more space.

Can I upgrade my computer instead of buying a new one?
Sure thing! Upgrading parts like the RAM (memory) or swapping out an old hard drive for a solid-state drive (SSD) can breathe new life into an older computer. However, keep in mind that not all parts are upgradeable, especially in laptops.

Why is backing up my computer important?
Imagine losing all your photos, documents, and work because of a computer crash or virus. Not fun, right? Backing up your data means you’ve got a safety net in case something goes wrong. You can use an external hard drive or cloud storage services to protect those precious files.

What’s the best way to clean my computer?
Keeping your computer clean is not just about the insides; dust and grime on the outside can also cause issues. For the exterior, a soft, slightly damp cloth does the trick. For the inside, especially the fans and air vents, compressed air can blow away the dust without causing damage. Just make sure to power down and unplug your computer first!
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